Tuesday, May 23, 2023

New Birth - in the Bird World!

For the last few years, birds have built a nest behind the outside shade on my deck on the wooden ledge. For more than a month, I can't raise or lower the shade without disturbing the nest and possibly having it fall. I thought I was outsmarting them this year as I raised the blinds up to where the ledge was exposed (toward the house), so they wouldn't build behind it. Well the joke was on me as a particularly brave mama robin built a nest on top of the shade, but still protected by the overhanging partial wall.

So once again, I can't move this shade! 
Mama Robin 1, Karen 0!

The nest has been there at least a month and Mama Robin has been sitting on it for about three weeks, best I can tell. She flies off whenever I open the back door to let the dogs/puppies in or out. When I'm on the deck, she sometimes gets impatient and flies up to sit on the deck railing. I imagine that she's saying "would you please go back in the house so I can go back to my babies?" So I try to minimize our time on my deck (yes, for a bird).

Then last Tuesday, with the help of a tall friend (Hasaan Rasheed), this is what we found in the nest - four eggs, which is a full clutch for a robin:

After googling, I learned robins lay one egg a day (no wonder, one egg is almost as big as she is!). I also learned they only have one ovary. I was concerned that it seemed to be taking a long time for the eggs to hatch (although I don't know when the eggs were laid - just about how long the nest has been there). But as another friend said, birds are resilient, like dogs, and have made it through much worse conditions in the past.

On Sunday, I found a piece of blue shell on the deck, so assumed babies had hatched. Today my tall friend was back and took another picture. We were both completely amazed - two Very New babies are here!

More googling - babies hatch a day at a time, in order of how they were laid. So these naked babies are a day or two old and two more should be here in the next few days. I'm dependent on my tall friend to get pictures, so hopefully he will come take an update picture in the next few days. Meanwhile, Mama Robin sits patiently keeping the eggs and her babies warm. 

Also, another robin (dad, I assume) flies around in the yard with her and will help feed the babies, as well as protect the nest. The only threats to that seem to be the dogs and me and, other than taking pictures, we can't get near it and won't!

 Here's an interesting site, if you're interested in a little more...

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Living out Love - Think about it!

It's been a hard week for many, personally and/or nationally, or both.  Covid continues to rage in Arkansas and across the nation.  Two friends of mine have been diagnosed this week and are so far, doing ok, thankfully.  Our country has reached 369,000 (+) deaths as of this writing.  I know some people doubt the reported numbers, as deaths from accidents or other disease may have been reported as Covid, because the person tested positive, but would have died regardless.  I can't rebut that, but even if 10% have been inaccurate, that's still more than 330K+ deaths in 10 months.  It's hard to argue that's not an out of control Pandemic.

Then, we had the events in Washington, DC on Wednesday, January 6 when some of the "protestors"  chose to storm into the Capitol and do damage to persons and property. So far, five people have died.  I assume most, if not all, of you reading this think the actions on Wednesday were unconscionable, especially the violence.  I'm not here to debate how or why it happened, but just laying a groundwork for the intention of this post.

I believe the only way through this time of trouble is to love our neighbors in word and deed, or at least to respect or tolerate them without judging because of their political or religious beliefs, color of their skin, their age, etc.  Each of us has our personal beliefs or situations and that doesn't make us right or wrong, in most cases.  I am a follower of Jesus, but not everyone is and I cannot force anyone into that relationship.  I know that people of other faiths (or even no faith) can also love and support each other. 

Because we need to consider how to love and live it out, here are some questions for you as we begin a new week:

  • How have you loved someone this week in word and/or deed?  
  • How has someone loved/encouraged you or how have you observed them loving on another?
  • How do you plan to love/encourage someone else in word and/or deed in the upcoming weeks?

I hope thinking about these questions will remind us how to make our lives the best they can be, as individuals, members of groups and as citizens of our countries. If you're inspired to share your thoughts, feel free, as I always appreciate inspiration! Let's all work to be our best selves for the good of all!


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Hard for me to believe it's been a year and a half since I wrote here.  Honestly I've been trying not to post my feelings or concerns in any social way even tho I can't understand how God-loving people can support the current political environment and the Trump rhetoric.....
So here it is, very well done - from a FB post by friend Beth Hillis McCandless - posted with her permission!
The political fear mongering. It has to stop. It is stoking fear and anger on the far-right. The far-left then reacts in kind, with its own fear and anger. Indeed, even the center is split by the hostility of late. And the cycle goes on. I wish for an environment of tolerance and empathy. Of kindness. Of civil discourse. I sure as hell long for leadership that has decency and empathy for humankind. 
This President’s words and actions, when strung together, do not promote empathy or unity or civility. He is not to blame for this shooting or the evil that has transpired. Indeed, I think the shooter even felt this president wasn’t evil enough. I am not attributing this shooting to the Presidents ideology (which is little more than narcissism). But he is not leading. He is void of the moral compass necessary to lead. He is void of the knowledge of human history. He is void of caring about anything beyond the dollar and his own self-aggrandizement.
But he is not solely responsible. The political leaders in Washington are collectively guilty of promoting the political divide based on personal interests. 
WE have to stand up. We the people, must teach the children we raise that this is not humane. If you want to cloak it in specific religious morals rather than a universal natural law, this climate is not Christian or Jewish or Muslim, Buddhist... We, as a country, must deal in compassion.
And we as voters, are responsible for electing good leaders. Leaders who have a moral compass. That rise above the temptation of corrupt lobbies. That stand up for human kind. That don’t focus solely on the accumulation of personal wealth. That can understand the importance of a healthy, happy community. That don’t deal in the language of fear, anger and hate. Enough.
So, enough. Let's love our neighbor, not just with love and prayers, but with our actions and our VOTES! God bless us everyone...

Monday, April 17, 2017

Helping People Die in Arkansas

I'm not an expert on the death penalty, but have learned a lot in the last few weeks, as I have researched and read.  I am definitely AGAINST the death penalty for multiple reasons, which I won't outline here.  I know the major pro-DP argument is closure for the victims' families.  But I have now heard victim's family members speak and write and say it has done/will do nothing for their loss to see another death (do two wrongs make a right?).  What they need is support at the time of their family member's death - counseling in particular and things Arkansas and most states do not provide. I have not lost a loved one (family or friend) to violent crime and I might feel differently if I had, but I would hope not.  I believe it is so easy to sit back and judge "the other" who is not like us.  Yet, we might not be like "us" if we didn't have loving families, good teachers, educational opportunities, good mental health, etc.  Please do not discount this - you and I are who and where we are primarily because of the families and communities we were born into and the love and support we have received all or most of our lives.

I feel so strongly about this- even more so today as I was holding babies in the NICU at Arkansas Children's Hospital, I thought about those precious little babies someday possibly being on Death Row.   Is it possible?  Yes.  Is it probable?  Who knows?  I don't know what their support networks (families, friends, teachers, etc.) will be, where they will land in the economic strata (homeless, hungry or privileged to never be either of these) or how their brains will function as adults.  But I know everyone on death row was once an innocent baby who may have had very little opportunity to be loved, educated, and supported in any way close to the way I was.

I know many of you and many who are Christian support the death penalty - I have seen "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" quoted ad nauseam on social media in the past few weeks.  Well, if God is going to judge, that may be fine, but human juries and judges?  I don't think so.  Plus the Jesus I follow said this (and I even used the King James version - not my favorite, but some people might think other versions are not godly - nothing surprises me anymore):

Matthew 5:38-48  King James Version (KJV)

38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.....
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I am nowhere close to perfect, but supporting the killing of people would not help that any.  I need all the help I can get to love my neighbor and my enemy.  Condoning the killing of people, even confessed criminals, does not help me with this.

I needed to write this tonight as Arkansas rushes to try and execute eight people in the next 10 days (two of which apparently have stays from the state supreme court).  As of this writing, the 8th circuit overturned the district federal court stay and our state is pushing like crazy to get this done.  One prisoner is reported to have had his last meal.  This rush is all supposedly due to a drug that is expiring at the end of the month.  A drug which we've had, but we also needed vecuronium bromide - another lethal injection drug. A medical supply company said it was misled by the state and that the drug was sold for medical purposes, not executions.  This smacks of unethical behavior by our attorney general and governor.  Not that I think the firing squad or public hanging options, which many Arkansans apparently support, are any better.

I am sad and disillusioned and not sure how I can make any difference.  I can go to rallies, write/call the governor and others, pray and write this blog.  But nothing may have an impact on the lives of these eight men, at least four of who appear to suffer from extreme mental illness.  

So probably not many people will read this and some who do may spew judgment and criticism at me and some will support.  I'm not writing this to be loved - I'm writing it because my heart is hurting and I had to do something besides what I have.  I'm not sure what is about to happen in this state, but I am sad we are even considering.  I hope if you support these multiple executions and the death penalty that you feel truly good about yourself and your beliefs when (and if) the executions occur.

So be it.... Amen.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Connect/ Communicate or Judge/Hate - which is Loving my Neighbor?

Well, maybe, but not always.  I do meet a lot of people and I almost always like them.  You know when you meet someone and they're nice and considerate and you have no idea who they're voting for or how they feel about social or political issues?  I almost always like people then.  Of course, I love most all dogs I meet as well :).

In thinking about the people I meet in real life - you know outside the social media, internet, blogging world.  It's rare that I don't immediately like someone unless they say something hateful on first glance, but I don't think that has ever happened (well, maybe once!).  However in the internet world, sometimes all I know of someone is that they hate a political figure I like or they are on the opposite of an issue I feel strongly about and so it is easy to quickly make up my mind not to like them.  

I had a neighbor campaigning for Justice of the Peace stop by to solicit my vote.  After reading her material, I'm thinking we might not be on the same page in many ways... but at the door, I had a foster puppy in my arms and told her I fostered puppies.  She thanked me for that and said they had rescue dogs and we got into the spay/neuter law / puppy mill legislation discussion and found out we ARE on the same page there. So I don't know if I'll vote for her, but from what I know of her I so far, I definitely like her!

I am definitely not anti-Facebook or social media.  I still appreciate how much Caringbridge and Facebook helped us connect with everyone, as well as feel the love while Randy was ill.  And I'm really not sure how we'd communicate so well in the dog rescue world without Facebook.  So, I'm generally pro-anything that helps communication/connection.  However.....  the "let me throw up my opinion because yours is wrong and you're a bad person" communication does not do anything to make me love someone, even though I'm trying - I consciously am.  And I think most of us are!  

I'm vowing to not judge someone by one comment on a news issue or political post or whatever.  I'm vowing to say a little prayer for them and what they're facing in their life that I have no idea about.  And I'm definitely vowing to #lovemyneighbor wherever they are and whoever they're voting for!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Memories + Dreams = Reality?

It's 9 a.m. and I am still out of sorts a bit.  I work up about 6:00 and remembered my dream, although it had seemed so real it didn't feel like a dream.  In the "dream," I had awakened and felt Ellie Rose next to me (where she always is), so I smoothed her fur and then thought, where is Randy?  So, I sat up a bit and saw him lying on the other side of her.  He was in an old favorite t-shirt, shorts and moccasins, lying on top of the covers, sleeping peacefully.  I remember thinking "why does he have his clothes and shoes on?" but felt comforted by his presence and went back to "sleep".

So even though I've been awake for three hours, I can't shake the realness of the dream.  Randy left this earth on August 11, 2009 and was in the hospital most of the three weeks before that, so he hasn't slept in our bed in more than seven years.  He never knew Ellie Rose (and vice versa) and neither Sophie nor Lucy slept in the bed with us (he always laughed, saying when he was out of town, he knew they slept with me!).  But this morning, I'm having a hard time convincing myself of that.

The mind works in mysterious ways, that's for sure.  I assume it's me thinking about his last few weeks on earth, which I do often, but especially when August comes.  I am thankful for 25+ years of sharing life with him and for memories of all the fun we had and all I learned from him and how he inspired me.  I'm even thankful, in an odd sort of way, for the last few weeks of his life - at least I had time with him that many people don't get when someone dies suddenly.

I've had similar dreams before - similar in that Randy was here in my life now, being healthy and funny and, well, just himself.  I may be temporarily disconcerted by these dreams, as they throw my real world into question - what is real and what's not?  But after a few more hours, the dream will just be a memory and I will know that and be grateful for his "appearance" in my life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Being Kind - in Life and in Death

It's been a while since I wrote anything for public consumption, but was inspired this week.  I went to a funeral at church (St. James UMC) for my dentist - Dr. George Gillian - who died suddenly about a week ago at age 80.  He was still practicing dentistry and I think we all expected him to be there for several more years, as he was generally in good health.

It was a lovely service and as I sat near the front of the church, I was reminded of Randy's service in that same place almost seven years ago (in August 2009).  I thought about all the funerals and memorial services I have been to since, as well as before.  Sometimes I've gone because I loved the person who left this earth and sometimes because I loved the people they left behind (Julie Font and I learned this at a young age from our parents), or both. Most were special in their own way and honored the life of someone who mattered in this world - younger, older, churchgoer, life-liver, etc. (I say most, because sometimes the pastor felt compelled to preach hell fire and brimstone - those make me uncomfortable and I don't think they aren't inspiring to many of us).

I attended a memorial service for Ben Fry a few weeks ago - Pastor Greg Schick who did Randy's service, also did Ben's.  I was upset after (not really) as I told Greg that until that time, Randy's had been the coolest service he had done and/or I had attended.  But Ben, who was station manager at KUAR/KLRE had some audio/video footage from church events that was replayed, plus an incredible daughter who spoke and did him right!  I don't think Randy is too upset about it  - he and Ben are probably joshing around in heaven about who had the coolest service, or maybe who is the coolest, in general.  Randy is the person who introduced me to public radio, so I don't think he will give Ben too bad a time!

Attending several services in the last few months has made me contemplative about death and how often we wait until someone passes from this earth to honor them and express our love and appreciation for their impact on our lives.  I wish it were more in our culture to love our neighbor and tell them so!  This is one place where social media rocks as it actually encourages this - I see a lot of those kind of posts.  Of course I also see the opposite, although those are usually from people who don't know the individual, but just need to get all uppity about a thought, belief or idea, especially because they're hiding behind a keyboard of some size.  Yet, aside from social media, I am trying to think about how I can do a better job of life- honoring during life instead of just afterward.  Don't get me wrong - I understand well that honoring someone after their death is very comforting for their family and friends and it needs to happen (so yes, you should go to the service and/or send a card, do whatever you can or more than you think you can).  But if we all worked a bit harder to show our love and appreciation while we are still breathing, it seems like there'd be much more an era of good feelings abounding in this world which might result in all of us doing a better job at loving our neighbor.

So, I am pledging to do just that.  It may be like a random act of kindness - if you appreciate and love on someone, they'll be more likely to pass that along to another person and before long you have a plethora of folks who are smiling and feeling like their lives matter.  We know deep down that we all matter, at least to those closest to us, but I can think of a long list of folks who have made a difference in my life and who I wouldn't want to have lived without knowing.  If you're reading this, you're probably one of them!

And because there's a direct connection, I'm going to name a name.  Shortly after Randy's service, I ended up at Dr. Gillian's for a routine dental checkup and teeth cleaning.  Shirley, who sits at the front desk and generally runs the office, told me that she had gone to get her hair cut on the day of Randy's service.  She said someone named Mark had brought a bottle of champagne in to the salon, saying that he wanted to honor the life of his friend Randy Moore.  I can't remember how Shirley made the connection between Mark Kennedy and Randy Moore and me, but she did.  Otherwise, I would probably have never known what a kind thing Mark did and I would have so hated to miss it, because it made me very happy. I'm pretty sure I've told him that, but because it came to mind again, Mark Kennedy - thank you again for your kindness in honoring the love of my life!  I love you!

There...  it may not be the normal way we go around talking to each other, but it feels pretty darn good to me!  In this somewhat vicious and brutal election year, maybe passing along some love will have a lasting positive impact on all of us.  Will you join me and maybe we can all encourage each other?  Thank you - it matters now!